Design Clarity: Preview Studio's Visualisation-Only Service

A set of three visualisations by Preview Studio of an entrance hall in a house, each with a different interior design

It was a conversation with the director of a local building contractor over a cup of coffee that inspired me to offer Preview Studio's new visualisation only service. He told me a story about a recent meeting with a client of his to look over a set of architect’s plans. "I was standing with the client in their kitchen with the plans out open in front of us. I looked at the drawings, and then out at the room, and said 'so that wall over there is coming down, and then we're going to create a new opening over there', pointing at different walls, and the client just looked at me blankly and said 'Are we? Is that what the drawings say?' He had no idea what was in those drawings". 

People like us who work in the field of design and construction take our ability to read architectural drawings for granted. We're used to it, because we work these drawings every day. However, the truth is that most people find it difficult to translate what they see on the page into a 3D space, even if it’s a space they are as intimately familiar with as their own home.   That's why visualisations matter - they turn the dry, symbolic language of 2D plans, sections and elevations into something as real and easy to understand as a photograph. Even professionals find it easier to understand how a design will look and feel when looking at a visualisation than a typical drawing, and many people simply will not fully understand what is being proposed until they see a visualisation.

I once had a client who was very happy with a set of plans I'd produced for her. She only had one critique: She wanted to relocate the bed to the opposite wall. I was happy. If that was her biggest issue then I had judged the design perfectly!  I met her and walked around her flat with the plans in hand, talking through the design room by room. We got to the dining room, and I said "So this is where we'll be connecting to the kitchen, so you'll have a more open plan space". Her response was immediate: "Oh no, I can't stand open plan kitchens! I just want to be able to shut the mess away and not have to look at it". So much for the bed being in the wrong spot!  It turns out she hadn't understood what I was proposing - or more to the point, I had failed to communicate it to her in a way that she could easily understand. It wasn't until I showed her a visualisation of that room that I was confident we were truly on the same page.

A set of three images showing the Preview Studio rocess of going from an architectural plan to a 3D scene to a final visualisation.

The process of going from a plan to a 3D scene to a visualisation. Other interior design possibilities are shown in the image at the top of the article.

During that coffee with the building contractor I realised that these kinds of conversations were happening every day around the country, as designers and builders struggled to communicate with clients, and clients agreed to move forward with designs that they hadn't truly understood. While visualisations are an integral part of the standard Preview Studio service, and included in every Preview Studio pack, there are many people out there who already have a design. It's not our design skills they need, but our ability to help with visual communication.   Hence, our new visualisation-only offer. For anyone  who already has a design prepared, either in the form of a plan drawing or a 3D model, we can produce visualisations that explore a range of colours, materials and furniture options without the need to order a full Preview Studio pack.    


As well as the key benefit of clarity and understanding, visualisations allow for design proposals to be tested and possible alternatives to be explored in a low-risk way. The Preview Studio method is to compare and contrast different options side-by-side, something that AI image generation makes much faster than was ever possible before. Don't like what you see?  Explore another possibility instead.  Changes can be made early in the design process when they are more cost-effective. Much better to realise what you need to change while looking at an image than a half finished space - or even worse, a totally finished space! 

How it works

Step 1. Like all the other Preview Studio services, the visualisation-only service can be ordered from our online shop. You'll be prompted to describe the styles you want to explore in a briefing questionnaire as part of the checkout process. 

Step 2. Send us either 2D drawings or a 3D model of the proposed design. Just attach the files to an email, or upload using the link we send you if the files are too big.

Step 3. We’ll give you a 10 minute phone call to make sure we understand your brief, and you can send us reference images that show the interior design, furniture and colours you’re interested in. Pinterest boards are perfect to get a feel for your taste.

Step 4. We model the proposal (if you've sent us 2D plans) or use the 3D model you've provided to compose a scene, and then use AI image generation to rapidly explore various lighting, colour, and material options within different styles. We refine the images, blending the best elements to create a definitive set of four.  We send you the final images in an email within 3 days of the phone call.

Step 5. If there are further design possibilities to explore we can produce those too. Just order additional stylings from our site.

At Preview Studio, we're more than designers; we're visual storytellers that can bridge the gap between architectural plans and your visions. We can bring spaces to life before a single stud has been cut or brick laid. Explore the possibilities with us and see what your home could become.

Interested in learning more? Give us a call or email with your questions.

Call 020 8144 7197




Why Kirstie Allsopp was right about detached housing* 


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